Recently, a shocking incident took place at the Cohanzick Zoo in South Jersey, where a woman allegedly trespassed into restricted areas near the tiger and bear enclosures. The woman, identified as Zyair J. Dennis, 24, from Millville, was charged with trespassing after she reportedly jumped over a fence on August 18th to access the forbidden areas at the historic zoo.
According to Bridgeton police, Dennis not only entered the restricted areas but also stuck her hand through a tiger cage and acted similarly near a bear enclosure on the same day. The incident was captured on video by other zoo visitors, which eventually led to Dennis’s identification and arrest.
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Following the circulation of the video clips and photos on social media, Bridgeton police started an investigation after receiving tips from the public. They emphasized that climbing over zoo fences is illegal under city ordinances, and Dennis’s reckless behavior could have resulted in severe injury.
The Cohanzick Zoo also addressed the incident in a Facebook post, thanking the public for their support and urging visitors to focus on the positive aspects of the zoo. They encouraged people to explore their website to learn more about the zoo and ways to support the animals.
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