Tragic events unfolded in East Greenville on Saturday night, resulting in the death of a man who allegedly charged at police with a machete and hatchet. The incident began when East Greenville Police responded to a “domestic-related” call on Cherry Street after receiving reports of a physical assault. Upon arrival, officers discovered a man barricaded in the basement of a home, threatening harm to law enforcement.
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Additional police units from various agencies arrived on the scene and attempted to negotiate with the man, but their efforts were unsuccessful. After several hours, at 11:30 p.m., officers breached the basement door and found the man armed with a machete and hatchet. Despite commands to drop his weapons, the man allegedly charged at police, prompting an officer to use a taser which proved ineffective.
Subsequently, an Upper Perk police officer discharged his firearm, striking the man. Despite receiving aid from police officers, the man succumbed to his injuries and passed away at the scene early Sunday morning.
Authorities have chosen not to release the identities of the deceased man and the police officer involved in the shooting at this time. Montgomery County detectives are actively investigating the incident, and anyone with pertinent information is urged to contact them at 610-278-3368.